Curriculum vision statement:
Dream, Believe, Achieve
Be the best you can be!
In Gorsewood, we aim to give all of our pupils opportunities to develop their full potential within a nurturing and supportive environment.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure all pupils develop a love and curiosity for learning and have the self belief and confidence to succeed in whatever they choose to do.
Our curriulum is underpinned by 4 key drivers. These drivers underpin our aims, values, curriculum and extracurricular offer. They help us to shape what is taught and the opportunities and experiences that we seize for our pupils. We believe that a balance of these 4 drivers is required to help our pupils become confident, happy, ambitious individuals who can make a positive contribution to society both now and in the future.
Our 4 curriculum drivers are:
Successful learners and citizens
- We want all of our children to experience success and develop the desire to continue learning in the future. They are resilient and have a positive growth mindset. They understand the importance of making a positive contribution to society and grow up to be responsible, happy citizens.
Wellbeing and nurture
- We want all of our children to understand the importance of their wellbeing and have social and emotional awareness. They have a toolkit of strategies to use to support their wellbeing and are kind and caring to those around them.
Communication and collaboration
- We want all of our children to work well with other children. They are respectful, tolerant and good team players. They understand how to share ideas, opinions and thoughts and listen to those of others.
Community and cultural experience
- We want all of our children to know what a community is and understand the importance of helping each other. They learn about the arts and creativity through lessons, visitors and visits. Children develop a sense of place and learn about where they live – both locally and nationally. They see diversity and have new experiences. Future dreams and goals are grown.
We endeavour to provide:
- A curriculum which is fun, exciting challenging, dynamic and relevant to our children
- Leaders who strive to make their subjects the best they can be
- A curriculum which will celebrate cultural diveristy and individuality
- An environment where pupils are motvated to 'Be your best self' in all they do!
We teach the full National Curriculum to ensure all of our children receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum is enriched and enhanced with sport, drama and music tuition as well as forest school, trips, visitors and a wide range of extra curricular activities.