Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Gleave
Welcome Year 2!
We have got a busy and exciting year ahead of us...
In English we will explore our learning through our Read Write Inc and Literacy Tree to explore different texts and dive into creative writing.
In Maths we will explore of our number system - developing and enhancing our problem solving and reasoning skills through ' Mastery Maths'. We will extend our use of the numberline and various other ways of recording 'our working' (column method) to help us with our + and - . Linking these building skills to multiplication, division, fractions, money, time, shape and measures.
In Science we will be exploring our topics of Animals Including Humans - Growth and Life Cycles followed by Plants and Uses of Everyday Materials. Then moving onto Living Things and ther Habitats both in this country and from around the world. We will also be 'working scientifically' asking and investigating answers to a variety of questions.
In History, we will be travelling through time from exploring the Significant Individuals Rosa Parks and Emily Davison to learning about our local history of The Bridges and Expansion of Runcorn. Then in the final term The Great Fire of London.
In Geography, we have a local area and settlements study in which we will be comparing Runcorn (Murdishaw) to a more rural area (Delamere). This is followed by Hot and Cold Places - a comparison of countries around the globe and then tie it all together in the final term for Oceans and Continents.
RE will cover Christianity (God, Jesus and the Church), Hindu Dharma, Islam and Judaism looking at a key concept for each topic with the over arching question - How do we respond to things that really matter?
In PSHE, we will be learning about relationships, living in the wder world and health and well being. Including making friends: feeling lonely and getting help, managing secrets: resisting pressure, getting help and recognising hurtful behaviour. We will be recognising things in common and differences:playing and working cooperatively and sharing opinions. We will discover roles and responsibilities when belonging to a group:being the same and different in the community. We will look at the internet in everyday life:online safety, content and information. Also learning what money is:ours needs and wants and looking after money. In the final term we will learn why sleep is important: medicines and keeping healthy, keeping teeth healthy and managing feelings and asking for help. We will learn about growing older and changing: naming body parts and moving class or year. Finally exploring safety in different environments: risks and safety at home and what to do in an emergency.
Art will cover drawing, painting and mxed media, sculpture and 3d clay houses and finally craft and design.
In D&T, we will be designing and sewing a pouch in our textiles unit. In Cooking and Nutrition we will be exploring a balanced diet and design and make a healthy wrap. In our mechanisims unit we will be designing and making a moving monster. Following each unit we will evaluate our work and look for any improvements and changes we wll make in the design process.
Music will cover musical appreciation and interpretation, singing, an introduction to the inter related dimensions of music (DR PITTS), sound grids, an introduction to programme music, composition and improvisation through the introduction of a basic graphic score, reading from a basic musical score and various performance skills and opportunities.
Drama is taught throughout the year with the children covering all aspects of acting, reading scripts, improvisation, speaking and listening tasks, set design and performing.
PE will cover a range of skills and sports, using previous knowledge and skills to keep us develping and applying our knowledge and abilities.
Our PE lessons are on a Monday and a Friday. Your son/daughter can come to school in their kit (and remain in this for the days duration).
We will also undertake the 'Golden Mile' Track task each day to support our PE lesson and fitness. This does not need to be done in PE kit.
Useful Websites
Written below are some web addresses for sites we use regulary in class to support your childs learning.
Try them at home they are lots of fun! (SPAG Monsters)
Lots of information about our school day and what went well is sent out on Marvellous Me, so make sure you have the app downloaded to keep in touch with us during the day! We will also try to keep you up-to-date with all that is going on in our class on X/Twitter, so keep an eye out for us there too.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or concerns by popping into the office between 8.30am and 8.45am or ask Miss Jackson for a call back.
Miss Gleave and Mrs Deacon