Year 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Oakley


Welcome to Year 3!

The teacher in Year 3 is Miss Oakley with Mrs Coxon and Mr Jenks supporting.

We are all here to help you to be your best self!

Welcome back to school! We hope you are all ready for a new year after a wonderful Summer break!


  • In English, we will follow the Literacy Tree Scheme of Work 'Writing Roots': this year we will be looking at a variety of books (more details on the curriculum overview document). We will also cover daily reading, grammar, phonics, spelling (Literacy Tree 'Spelling Seeds' and 'Y3&4 HFW), storytime.
  • In Maths, we will continue to follow the Maths No Problem! Scheme of Work. We will explore working with numbers up to 1000, extend our use of the 4 number operations. Linking these building skills to fractions,money,time shape and measures. Any extra work you can do at home with your little one will support thier learning enormously.
    Please continue to practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars as this will aid our learning in other subjects, such as fractions, and help our pupils to be their best selves.
  • In History, we are going to be learning about The Stone Age to the Iron Age, The Victorians with a specific emphasis on industry and the railways.
  • In Geography, we are learning about North America and The Rockies, Oceans and Continents and Climate Zones. Specifically focussing on tropical, arid, mediterranean, temperate and polar climate zones. Follow the web page for lots of information about this so you can see what we will be covering in class:
  • In Science, we will be exploring a variety of topics across the year -Animals including Humans - What makes us, Rocks,Forces and Magnets, Plants, Scientific Enquiry and Light.
  • For PE, we will cover a range of sports and skills. Using previous knowledge and skills to keep us develping and applying our knowledge and abilities. 
  • In Art, we shall be looking at the areas of drawing, painting and mixed media, sculpture and 3d work and craft and design. 
  • During D.T. lessons, we shall be exploring textiles , Structures and eating seasonally through Cooking and Nutrition. 
  • R.E. this year will be looking at Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. 
  • Computing will continue to look at coding using scratch. We shall also be learning to design, create and debug coding. We will be exploring these elements through the use of CS First and Be Internet Legends. 

Year 3 will also have weekly reflection, music and drama lessons, most of which are taught by specialists. Our curriculum overview can be found as an attachment below.



Homework will be accesible through the Google Classroom every week on Friday and should be submitted by the following week by Thursday; if you require support with accessing this, please come in and see us. If you require a paper copy of homework, we can arrange this; however, we are conscious of our carbon footprint and aim to reduce our printing so this is only as a last resort. Homework is rewarded with house points, and we offer lunchtime support to all our pupils.

Reading books will be allocated based on each individual pupil's reading ability, and they will be changed several times a week, as and when your children compete them - the more the merrier! If they are working on ReadWriteInc Phonics their books are changed once a week to encourage re-reading to support the devleloping reading ability. We expect home reading with your little one at least three times a week. Not only will this earn your child house points, but if they read 4x weekly for a month, they will join in with Miss Wright’s VIP Starbooks Cafe.

You can find the Year 3 Spelling List here, but specific weekly spellings can be found on the Google Classroom. These will be tested in class each Friday. Please help your children to learn their spellings in as many practical ways as you can...follow the link for some creative ideas: 


Let’s Work Together!

The change from moving into Year 3 is a big one and can sometimes seem daunting, so we will always endeavour to work with you to create a nurturing, happy and engaging learning environment where every pupil can be their best self, ready for the first part of their journey in Key Stage 2! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or concerns by popping into the office between 8.30am and 8.45am or ask Miss Jackson for a call back.

We will update Twitter regularly with lots of our learning, and we will communicate other news using Marvellous Me, so please ensure you are using both of these platforms to keep as up-to-date with us as possible. As always, we implement our whole-school Bee Rules in Year 3, as well as encouraging our pupils to dream, believe and achieve! 


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Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES