Our School Uniform

School Uniform & PE Kit

We expect all our pupils to wear the current school uniform.  

There are advantages for all – parents, pupils and the school, in the wearing of school uniform.  We have have adopted a clear, simple dress code for our pupils which is designed to promote high expectations of the pupils as well as a sense of belonging.  

Staff encourage children to be smart and presentable in wearing the school uniform and we also ask for parents support in this matter.

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Current school uniform:

  • Blue Gorsewood Sweatshirt/Cardigan/Fleece 
  • Grey Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore
  • White Shirt or Polo Style T-Shirt
  • Black Sensible Footwear (No Coloured Trainers, Mules, Jellies, Boots or Open-Toed Sandals)
  • Grey Shorts/Blue & White Gingham Summer Dress - Summer Term (After Easter)


On PE days children should come to school wearing their PE kits:

  • A Gorsewood PE kit with black pumps or trainers for outdoors OR Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, black pumps or trainers for outdoors
  • In colder weather black/navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms can be worn with a Gorsewood PE hoodie or Gorsewood sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece.
  • For safety, particularly during PE, pupils should keep long hair tied back.

Please note football kits, gym wear and other sports items are not PE uniform.


School sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased from the school office from £10.50 along with other optional items of clothing including school coats, fleeces and book bags.  A full price list can be obtained from the school office. 

Alternatively parents/carers can can opt to purchase a plain cardigan/sweatshirt (without school logo) from a local supermarket.

Gorsewood PE items (optional) (blue shorts and white T-Shirt with school logo) can also be purchased at the school office from £5.50 each as well as optional school PE hoodies priced at £15.00 each.

We also have a selection of used and nearly new uniform items at a reduced cost.  Please enquire at the office.

Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly named.


The only jewellery allowed are watches and studded earrings.  Parents are requested to ensure that other items of jewellery are not worn in school. 

SMART watches must not be worn to school.

Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES