SEND Glossary

SEND Glossary

We understand that there are a lot of SEND Acronyms used in Education. We hope this glossary will be useful for you, please ask if you need support.


ADHD                    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity                                     Disorder

ASC/D                    Autistic Spectrum Condition/                                      Disorder

BSL                        British Sign Language

CAMHS                  Child and Adolescent Mental                                      Health Services

CBT                       Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

DfE                        Department for Education

EHC Plan              Education Health Care Plan

EP                          Educational Psychologists

EPS                       Educational Psychology Services

EWO                      Education Welfare Officer

EYFS                     Early Years Foundation Stage

KS1                        Key Stage 1 – Years 1 & 2

KS2                        Key Stage 2 – Years 3 – 6 

LA                          Local Authority

MLD                       Moderate Learning Difficulties

Ofsted                    Office for standards in                                                   education

PECS                     Picture exchange                                                          communication system

PMLD                     Profound and Multiple                                                  Learning Difficulties

SALT                      Speech and Language Therapy

SEN                       Special Educational Needs

SENCO                  Special Educational Needs                                          Co-ordinator

SEND                     Special Educational Needs                                          and Disabilities

SENDIASS             Special Educational Needs                                          and Disablities Information                                      Advice and Support Service

SLCN                     Speech, Language and                                                Communication Needs

SLD                       Severe Learning Difficulties

SMART targets      Specific-Measurable-                                                    Achievable- Realistic-Time-                                     Related Targets

TA                          Teaching Assistant




Gorsewood Primary School

Gorsewood Road, Murdishaw, Runcorn, WA7 6ES