Collective worship and reflection
As part of our curriculum, all pupils take part in daily collective worship or reflection.
These sessions are either as a whole school in the hall or in the classroom.
During these sessions, we focus on our value of the month, British values and key events throughout the year including: Safer Internet Day, Anti-bullying week, road safety messages, harvest and other religious festivals and key stories. Personal development is a key feature of these sessions.
We also celebrate achievements of our school community. Achievements from in school and out of school are shared and celebrated. Our Celebration Assembly is every Monday afternoon. Every week children who have really stood out are chosen by staff to receive one of the following certificates:
Headteacher's Award Resilience Award Kindness Award
We also have a Be Your Best Self raffle ticket draw and children can win a Golden Coin for our Special Book Vending Machine!
We use Picture News every week as part of our collective worship in class. We have chosen this resource as it supports the personal development of our children.
Picture news enables us to extend our curriculum beyond the academic, technical or vocational. It gives children opportunities to develop learning further through news stories that inspire them. It allows them to discover talents and interests through the broad coverage.
Children are exposed to a range of current issues including political, religious, cultural, environmental, social, moral and spiritual. British Values are covered every week in a relevant and meaningful way and links developed between personal, school and community values. The wide range of stories covered allow children to demonstrate respect and tolerance.